My First Blog!

Welcome to my blog! 

I have been resistant to blogging for some time. Oh, I have a blog on the myspace page regarding the book, but have not kept up with it. It wasn't until I spoke with a highly regarded editor in the book publishing world that I realized I needed a blog to help build my platform for marketing! I have to find the patience to do so, as well as the time, because writing books already takes up a huge chunk of my waking hours as it is and I am finding it harder and harder to stay on task lately. Must be the change in season. Anyway, to blog or not to blog? I'm blogging!

I plan to use this to document my journey through the publishing/movie world. My book, "Scattered Leaves: The Legend of Ghostkiller" needs a new publisher, and I am working on that daily. Meanwhile, I have signed a movie deal and am finding it interesting that the book is still in need of a publisher; I would think that publishers would be scrambling to get a hold of it! At any rate, this is the plan:

Find a literary agent who can find a reputable publisher, preferably with a big name pubishing house.

Thanks for stopping by and for more about me, please visit my website!

Stay tuned...


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