History in the Writing

Today I'm posting an article I found this morning while doing a bit of research for the next book. While this is informative and gives links to other sites of interest, it also brings to light the tragedy that happened in Mankato, Minnesota all those years ago. But most importantly, I am posting this for the boy who was working on the documentary titled "Dakota 38", the story of the Dakota Sioux who were ordered hanged by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862. This boy committed suicide. This puts a modern, human face on this tragedy not only because it happened recently, but it proves that what happened to the Dakota Sioux isn't something in the past that we must move on from. These are open wounds that have remained gaping since Columbus landed and the need for healing is itself an open wound. A commemorative ceremony posthumously pardoning Chaske is necessary, but a healing for a race of people is not something that can be accomplished on the concrete steps of a building somewhere in Washington or Minnesota. (please see the FB article on Chaske if you don't know his story)This goes much deeper, down into the bowels of what we as a human race have done to each other. Yes, times were different then and we place more value on human life today than we did in the 1860's, but through my research and life experience I have learned that the racial lines are alive and well and certainly not drawn in the sand. They are engraved in concrete and it's going to take a monumental event to crack it open - a healing of global proportion that can only be accomplished through a medium that can reach hundreds of thousands of people. What do you think that is?

Dec 26, 2010


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