Story Scents are here!

 Dear Readers,

Don't you just love this time of year? Crisp, cool air, leaves crunching beneath our feet, pumpkin spice everything -- lovely! But can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving? And how will we spend it this year, I wonder? So many things have changed in our world. 
As a diversion to all this madness, I've been busy creating something brand new called Story Scents! 

Story Scents captures the essence of a story in a way you have never experienced before. Imagine being whisked away into a book itself, your senses awakened, by the same ambiance the characters experience. How amazing! 

Our sense of smell is most closely linked to memory, much more than our other senses. Certain smells can often evoke long-forgotten memories and can be used therapeutically, as well. What better way to escape from the drudgery of 2020 than curling up with a good book on a cool, fall day? Couple that with a soothing scent that takes you straight into the story and you'll have a whole new experience! 

I strive to create other worlds through my writing that weave tales of the unexpected; time travel, the paranormal, ghosts, and a healthy dose of mystery thrown in. But now you can smell these stories! I'm super excited and I hope you are, too! 

Both books and corresponding Story Scents are available at the link above. I have included options for ordering books together with their corresponding story scent, too, plus these are all signed by yours truly. Don't miss out! 

Don't forget to sign up to win a free bottle of Fairy Realm or Ghostkiller, the new fragrances from the Ghostkiller Saga I am giving away this month! 

Sign up now and good luck! 

Check back soon for updates and, as always, thanks for your continued love and support!

Best always,
Lynny - The Fiction Diva


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