Happy New Year!


Hi everyone and Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's already here? 2021! Seems like it was just 2012 LOL Wait....what? 

Okay, so dyslexia is a real thing (I have it), but let's not get distracted -- It's 2021! THAT blows my mind!

I remember back in the day when 1980 loomed in my future. It was supposed to be my graduation year from high school. All those future plans that only included music, writing, and being famous LOL

Fast forward to 2021...while I'm far from famous, I do still play music and write, and I do have a few resolutions!

New Year's resolutions are great. It gives us a chance to redo; to start fresh. The hard part is keeping the resolutions! That's a big one, especially for those of us who suffer from "Oh look, a squirrel!" 😁

So, my New Year resolutions are the same as usual; eat better, lose weight, etc. But I have one solid resolution that I'm able to pursue with the ongoing pandemic and that is cranking out books.

I have lots of plans for stories and continue to hone my craft through reading, writing, re-writing, and more reading. I received a Kindle Fire for Christmas that I am using to read all of the books I've downloaded on the craft of writing and marketing. An author is only as good as their marketing. Once you are established, word of mouth is your best marketing tool. You may think me doing this as long as I have would make word of mouth a given for my books, but it's not. I still depend HEAVILY on you guys for my marketing. Your shares and likes on my posts are huge and I thank you! 

So, as you know, Scattered Leaves: Beyond the Legend has launched. I will have a launch party as soon as the books arrive here at my home for signing. I thought it would be fun to have a live event where I sign the books while the recipients watch LOL 

While there have been a few delays in getting the books, I think now that the Christmas season is over things will smooth out with the mail. At least I hope so!

Anywho,  the book launch will be announced when I receive the books so there is no confusion if UPS fails me again! 

Again Happy New Year to you all and I look forward to the books coming out this year! More on that in a future post. 

May love and peace be bestowed upon you all,


The Fiction Diva


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